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Radiological Instrumentation

You will learn about the radiation ray generator which is used in the medical field in radiation equipment engineering classes. There are two kinds of radiation ray generators which we use for medical treatment. One is the x-ray machine, and the other is the radiological treatment machine. Does radiation that is generated by these machines hold high energy?
In this laboratory, we assemble a model x-ray machine in order to understand the element of the generation of radiation rays. We also perform laboratory experiments using various kinds of measuring instrument gages in order to use actual x-ray generating machines safely.

Main experimental selection
・Characteristics of Gretz connection by model circuit
・Characteristics of rotating start-up of rotary anode x-ray tube
・Characteristics of photographing timer
・Characteristics of anti-scatter grid
・Characteristics of single-phase full-wave rectification machine
・Characteristics of computed tomography


last updated: June 20, 2006

Copyright(C)2007, Department of Radiological Technology, School of Health Sciences, Niigata University, All Rights Reserved.